Hi Felix,

I really enjoyed reading your blog post this week! I agree with you that since the media industry has intensified, the news is not as accurate as it used to be. Since news is a business, they produce a lot more content that gets them viewers so the content that they post may be a lot more biased to the reader’s views. Additionally, with there being so many different media companies, there is a much higher likelihood that something they post may be false. This is why newspaper credibility is so important because if you are reading information from media that isn’t credible it’s a lot easier to find false information.

Hi Ella,

Great job on your response! I really liked how you mentioned tone creating conflict. This is something that I didn’t think of, but definitely is a reason why conflict occurs. When you think about media, most media outlet views the opposing view to a matter in a negative way. This could also be because in media it is a one-sided story, you only get their response to the matter, and especially if you are not aware of the bias in media, you may not realize the other side of the story’s counterargument. This I think applies to conflict because a lot of people will repost news articles, unaware of the full story which sparks conflict.